NEST Simulator target

NESTML features supported: neurons, synapses, vectors, delay differential equations, guards

After NESTML completes, the NEST extension module (by default called "nestmlmodule") can either be statically linked into NEST (see Writing an extension module), or loaded dynamically using the Install API call in Python.

Simulation loop

Note that NEST Simulator uses a hybrid integration strategy [Hanuschkin2010]; see fig_integration_order, panel A for a graphical depiction.

At the end of each timestep, incoming spikes are processed and their effects become visible in those variables that correspond to a convolution with the corresponding spiking input port. At the start of a timestep, the value is the one “just before” the update due to incoming spikes.

Then, the code is run corresponding to the NESTML update block.

At the end of the timestep, variables corresponding to convolutions are updated according to their ODE dynamics.

Code generation options

Several code generator options are available; for an overview see pynestml.codegeneration.nest_code_generator.NESTCodeGenerator.

Setting and retrieving model properties

  • All variables in the state and parameters blocks are added to the status dictionary of the neuron.

  • Values can be set using the PyNEST API call node_collection.<variable> = <value> where <variable> is the name of the corresponding NESTML variable.

  • Values can be read using the PyNEST API call node_collection.<variable>. This will return the value of the corresponding NESTML variable.

Recording values with devices

All values in the state block are recordable by a multimeter in NEST.

Solver selection

Currently, there is support for GSL, forward Euler, and exact integration. ODEs that can be solved analytically are integrated to machine precision from one timestep to the next. To allow more precise values for analytically solvable ODEs within a timestep, the same ODEs are evaluated numerically by the GSL solver. In this way, the long-term dynamics obeys the “exact” equations, while the short-term (within one timestep) dynamics is evaluated to the precision of the numerical integrator.

In the case that the model is solved with the GSL integrator, desired absolute error of an integration step can be adjusted with the gsl_error_tol parameter in a SetStatus call. The default value of gsl_error_tol is 1e-3.

Manually building the extension module

Sometimes it can be convenient to directly edit the generated code. To manually build and install the NEST extension module, go into the target directory and run:

cmake -Dwith-nest=<nest_install_dir>/bin/nest-config .
make all
make install

where <nest_install_dir> is the installation directory of NEST (e.g. /home/nest/work/nest-install).

Custom templates

See Running NESTML with custom templates.

Gap junctions (electrical synapses)

Each neuron model can be endowed with gap junctions. The model does not need to be (necessarily) modified itself, but additional flags are passed during code generation that identify which model variables correspond to the membrane potential and the gap junction current. For instance, the code generator options can look as follows:

"gap_junctions": {
    "enable": True,
    "membrane_potential_variable": "V_m",
    "gap_current_port": "I_gap"

For a full example, please see

Multiple input ports in NEST

See Multiple input ports to specify multiple input ports in a neuron.

After generating and building the model code, a receptor_type entry is available in the status dictionary, which maps port names to numeric port indices in NEST. The receptor type can then be selected in NEST during connection setup:

neuron = nest.Create("iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse_neuron_nestml")

receptor_types = nest.GetStatus(neuron, "receptor_types")[0]

sg = nest.Create("spike_generator", params={"spike_times": [20., 80.]})
nest.Connect(sg, neuron, syn_spec={"receptor_type" : receptor_types["SPIKES_1"], "weight": 1000.})

sg2 = nest.Create("spike_generator", params={"spike_times": [40., 60.]})
nest.Connect(sg2, neuron, syn_spec={"receptor_type" : receptor_types["SPIKES_2"], "weight": 1000.})

sg3 = nest.Create("spike_generator", params={"spike_times": [30., 70.]})
nest.Connect(sg3, neuron, syn_spec={"receptor_type" : receptor_types["SPIKES_3"], "weight": 500.})

Note that in multisynapse neurons, receptor ports are numbered starting from 1.

We furthermore wish to record the synaptic currents I_kernel1, I_kernel2 and I_kernel3. During code generation, one buffer is created for each combination of (kernel, spike input port) that appears in convolution statements. These buffers are named by joining together the name of the kernel with the name of the spike buffer using (by default) the string “__X__”. The variables to be recorded are thus named as follows:

mm = nest.Create('multimeter', params={'record_from': ['I_kernel1__X__spikes_1',
                                       'interval': .1})
nest.Connect(mm, neuron)

The output shows the currents for each synapse (three bottom rows) and the net effect on the membrane potential (top row):

NESTML multisynapse example waveform traces

For a full example, please see iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse.nestml for the full model and test_multisynapse in tests/nest_tests/ for the corresponding test harness that produced the figure above.

Multiple input ports with vectors in NEST

See Multiple input ports with vectors for an example with input ports defined as vectors.

Each connection in NEST is denoted by a receiver port or rport number which is an integer that starts with 0. All default connections in NEST have the rport 0. NESTML routes the spikes with excitatory and inhibitory qualifiers into separate input buffers, whereas NEST identifies them with the same rport number.

During the code generation for NEST, NESTML maintains an internal mapping between NEST rports and NESTML input ports. A list of port names defined in a model and their corresponding rport numbers can be queried from the status dictionary using the NEST API. For neurons with multiple input ports, the receptor_type values in the nest.Connect() call start from 1 as the default receptor_type 0 is excluded to avoid any accidental connections.

For the example mentioned here, the receptor_types can be queried as shown below:

neuron = nest.Create("multi_synapse_vectors")
receptor_types = nest.GetStatus(neuron, "receptor_types")

The name of the receptors of the input ports are denoted by suffixing the vector index + 1 to the port name. For instance, the receptor name for foo[0] would be FOO_1.

The above code querying for receptor_types gives a list of port names and NEST rport numbers as shown below:

Input port name

NEST rport























For a full example, please see iaf_psc_exp_multisynapse_vectors.nestml for the neuron model and test_multisynapse_with_vector_input_ports in tests/nest_tests/ for the corresponding test.

Compatibility with different versions of NEST

To generate code that is compatible with particular versions of NEST Simulator, the code generator option nest_version can be used. The option value is given as a string that corresponds to a git tag or git branch name. The following values are supported:

  • The default is the empty string, which causes the NEST version to be automatically identified from the nest Python module.

  • "master": Latest NEST GitHub master branch version (

  • "v2.20.2": Latest NEST 2 release.

  • "v3.0", "v3.1", "v3.2", "v3.3", "v3.4": NEST 3 release versions.

For a list of the corresponding NEST Simulator repository tags, please see


Alexander Hanuschkin and Susanne Kunkel and Moritz Helias and Abigail Morrison and Markus Diesmann. A General and Efficient Method for Incorporating Precise Spike Times in Globally Time-Driven Simulations. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2010, Vol. 4