NEST Simulator compartmental target

Generate code for neuron models with complex dendritic structure.


NEST Simulator implements compartmental neuron models. The structure of the neuron – soma, dendrites, axon – is user-defined at runtime by adding compartments through nest.SetStatus(). Each compartment can be assigned receptors, also through nest.SetStatus().

The default model is passive, but sodium and potassium currents can be added by passing non-zero conductances g_Na and g_K with the parameter dictionary when adding compartments. Receptors can be AMPA and/or NMDA (excitatory), and GABA (inhibitory). Ion channel and receptor currents to the compartments can be customized through NESTML.

For usage information and more details, see the NEST Simulator documentation on compartmental models at

Writing a compartmental NESTML model

Defining the membrane potential variable

One variable in the model represents the local membrane potential in a compartment. By default, it is called v_comp. (This name is defined in the compartmental code generator options as the compartmental_variable_name option.). This variable needs to be defined as a state in any compartmental model to be referenced in the equations describing channels and synapses.

model <neuron_name>:
        v_comp real = 0   # rhs value is irrelevant

Channel description

Next, define one or more channels. An ion-channel is described in the following way:

model <neuron_name>:
         inline <current_equation_name> real = \
             <some equation based on state variables, parameters, membrane potential and other equation names> \

This equation is meant to describe the contribution to the compartmental current of the described ion-channel. It can reference states of which the evolution is described by an ODE, parameters, the membrane potential and the name of other equations. The latter should be used to describe interactions between different mechanisms.

The explicit @mechanism::<type> descriptor has been added which we thought enhances overview over the NESTML code for the user but also makes the code-generation a bit better organised.

As an example for a HH-type channel:

model <neuron_name>:
       gbar_Ca_HVA real = 0.00
       e_Ca_HVA real = 50.00

       v_comp real = 0.00

       h_Ca_HVA real = 0.69823671
       m_Ca_HVA real = 0.00000918

       inline Ca_HVA real = gbar_Ca_HVA * (h_Ca_HVA*m_Ca_HVA**2) * (e_Ca_HVA - v_comp) @mechanism::channel
       m_Ca_HVA' = ( m_inf_Ca_HVA(v_comp) - m_Ca_HVA ) / (tau_m_Ca_HVA(v_comp)*1s)
       h_Ca_HVA' = ( h_inf_Ca_HVA(v_comp) - h_Ca_HVA ) / (tau_h_Ca_HVA(v_comp)*1s)

    function h_inf_Ca_HVA (v_comp real) real:

    function tau_h_Ca_HVA (v_comp real) real:

    function m_inf_Ca_HVA (v_comp real) real:

    function tau_m_Ca_HVA (v_comp real) real:

All of the currents within a compartment (marked by @mechanism::channel) are added up within a compartment.

For a complete example, please see cm_default.nestml and its associated unit test,

Concentration description

The concentration-model description looks very similar:

model <neuron_name>:
        <some_state_variable>' = <ODE right-hand-side for some_state_variable> @mechanism::concentration

As an example a description of a calcium concentration model where we pretend that we have the Ca_HVA and the Ca_LVAst ion-channels defined:

model <neuron_name>:
        c_Ca real = 0.0001

        gamma_Ca real = 0.04627
        tau_Ca real = 605.03
        inf_Ca real = 0.0001

        c_Ca' = (inf_Ca - c_Ca) / (tau_Ca*1s) + (gamma_Ca * (Ca_HVA + Ca_LVAst)) / 1s @mechanism::concentration

The only difference here is that the equation that is marked with the @mechanism::concentration descriptor is not an inline equation but an ODE. This is because in case of the ion-channel what we want to simulate is the current which relies on the evolution of some state variables like gating variables in case of the HH-models, and the compartment voltage. The concentration though can be more simply described by an evolving state directly.

For a complete example, please see concmech.nestml and its associated unit test,

Synapse description

Here synapse models are based on convolutions over a buffer of incoming spikes. This means that the equation for the current-contribution must contain a convolve() call and a description of the kernel used for that convolution is needed. The descriptor for synapses is @mechanism::receptor.

model <neuron_name>:
        inline <current_equation_name> real = \
            <some equation based on state variables, parameters, membrane potential and other equation names \
            and MUST contain at least one convolve(<kernel_name>, <spike_name>) call> \

        # kernel(s) to be passed to the convolve call(s):
        kernel <kernel_name> = <some kernel description>

        <spike_name> <- spike

For a complete example, please see concmech.nestml and its associated unit test,

Mechanism interdependence

Above examples of explicit interdependence inbetween concentration and channel models where already described. Note that it is not necessary to describe the basic interaction inherent through the contribution to the overall current of the compartment. During a simulation step all currents of channels and synapses are added up and contribute to the change of the membrane potential (v_comp) in the next timestep. Thereby one must only express a dependence explicitly if the mechanism depends on the activity of a specific channel- or synapse-type amongst multiple in a given compartment or some concentration.

See also

This script converts the generic parts (cm_default.* and cm_tree.*) of the default compartmental model in NEST to a .jinja template.

It is a helper tool for developers working concurrently on the compartmental models in NEST and NESTML. It should however be used with extreme caution, as it doesn’t automatically update the compartmentcurrents.