pynestml.meta_model package


pynestml.meta_model.ast_arithmetic_operator module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_arithmetic_operator.ASTArithmeticOperator(is_times_op: bool, is_div_op: bool, is_modulo_op: bool, is_plus_op: bool, is_minus_op: bool, is_pow_op: bool, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single arithmetic operator, e.g. +.

No grammar. This part is defined outside the grammar to make processing and storing of models easier and comprehensible.

is_times_op = False  # type


is_div_op = False  # type


is_modulo_op = False  # type


is_plus_op = False  # type


is_minus_op = False  # type


is_pow_op = False  # type



Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:


equals(other: ASTNode) bool

The equality method.


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_assignment module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_assignment.ASTAssignment(lhs: ASTVariable | None = None, is_direct_assignment: bool = False, is_compound_sum: bool = False, is_compound_minus: bool = False, is_compound_product: bool = False, is_compound_quotient: bool = False, rhs: ASTExpression | None = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store assignments. Grammar:


(directAssignment=’=’ | compoundSum=’+=’ | compoundMinus=’-=’ | compoundProduct=’*=’ | compoundQuotient=’/=’) rhs;

lhs = None
is_direct_assignment = False
is_compound_sum = False
is_compound_minus = False
is_compound_product = False
is_compound_quotient = False
rhs = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:


construct_equivalent_direct_assignment_rhs(operator, lhs_variable, rhs_in_brackets)

From lhs and rhs it constructs a new expression which corresponds to direct assignment. E.g.: a += b*c -> a = a + b*c :return: the rhs for an equivalent direct assignment. :rtype: ast_expression


The equals operation. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the right-hand side rhs. :return: rhs object. :rtype: ast_expression


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the left-hand side variable. :return: left-hand side variable object. :rtype: ASTVariable

pynestml.meta_model.ast_bit_operator module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_bit_operator.ASTBitOperator(is_bit_and=False, is_bit_xor=False, is_bit_or=False, is_bit_shift_left=False, is_bit_shift_right=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single bit operator. Grammar:

bitOperator : (bitAnd=’&’| bitXor=’^’ | bitOr=’|’ | bitShiftLeft=’<<’ | bitShiftRight=’>>’);

is_bit_and = False
is_bit_xor = False
is_bit_or = False
is_bit_shift_left = False
is_bit_shift_right = False

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_block module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_block.ASTBlock(stmts, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single block of declarations, i.e., statements. Grammar:

block : ( smallStmt | compoundStmt | NEWLINE )*;


stmts = None


Adds a single statement to the list of statements. :param stmt: a statement :type stmt: ASTSmallStmt,ASTCompoundStmt


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



Deletes the handed over statement. :param stmt: :type stmt: :return: True if deleted, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the list of statements. :return: list of stmts. :rtype: list(ASTSmallStmt/ASTCompoundStmt)

pynestml.meta_model.ast_block_with_variables module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_block_with_variables.ASTBlockWithVariables(is_state=False, is_parameters=False, is_internals=False, declarations=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a block of variable declarations. represent a block with variables, e.g.:


y0, y1, y2, y3 mV [y1 > 0; y2 > 0]

attribute state true: if the varblock is a state. attribute parameter: true if the varblock is a parameter. attribute internal: true if the varblock is a state internal. attribute AliasDecl: a list with variable declarations Grammar:


blockType=(‘state’|’parameters’|’internals’) BLOCK_OPEN

(declaration | NEWLINE)*


is_state = False
is_parameters = False
is_internals = False
declarations = None

Clears the list of declarations in this block.


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False :rtype: bool


Returns the set of stored declarations. :return: set of declarations :rtype: set(ASTDeclaration)


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_comparison_operator module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_comparison_operator.ASTComparisonOperator(is_lt=False, is_le=False, is_eq=False, is_ne=False, is_ne2=False, is_ge=False, is_gt=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single comparison operator. Grammar:

comparisonOperator : (lt=’<’ | le=’<=’ | eq=’==’ | ne=’!=’ | ne2=’<>’ | ge=’>=’ | gt=’>’);

is_lt = False
is_le = False
is_eq = False
is_ne = False
is_ne2 = False
is_ge = False
is_gt = False

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_compound_stmt module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_compound_stmt.ASTCompoundStmt(if_stmt=None, while_stmt=None, for_stmt=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store compound statements. Grammar:

if_stmt = None
while_stmt = None
for_stmt = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the for statement. :return: the for statement. :rtype: ASTForStmt


Returns the “if” statement. :return: the “if” statement. :rtype: ASTIfStmt


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the while statement. :return: the while statement. :rtype: ASTWhileStmt


Returns whether it is an “for” statement or not. :return: True if “for” stmt, False else. :rtype: bool


Returns whether it is an “if” statement or not. :return: True if if stmt, False else. :rtype: bool


Returns whether it is an “while” statement or not. :return: True if “while” stmt, False else. :rtype: bool

pynestml.meta_model.ast_data_type module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_data_type.ASTDataType(is_integer=False, is_real=False, is_string=False, is_boolean=False, is_void=False, unit_type: ASTUnitType | None = None, type_symbol=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

A datatype class as used to store a datatype of an element. ASTDataType. Represents predefined datatypes and gives a possibility to use an unit datatype. @attribute boolean getters for integer, real, … @attribute unitType a SI datatype datatype : ‘integer’

is_integer = False
is_real = False
is_string = False
is_boolean = False
is_void = False
unit_type = None  # a unit type is not a boolean, but a concrete object
type_symbol = None  # the corresponding type symbol

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the corresponding type symbol. :return: a single type symbol element. :rtype: type_symbol


Returns the unit type. :return: the unit type object. :rtype: ASTUnitType


Returns whether this is a unit type or not. :return: True if unit type typed, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Updates the current type symbol to the handed over one. :param type_symbol: a new type symbol element. :type type_symbol: TypeSymbol.

pynestml.meta_model.ast_declaration module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_declaration.ASTDeclaration(is_recordable: bool = False, is_inline_expression: bool = False, _variables: List[ASTVariable] | None = None, data_type: ASTDataType | None = None, size_parameter: str | None = None, expression: ASTExpression | None = None, invariant: ASTExpression | None = None, decorators=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store declarations. ASTDeclaration A variable declaration. It can be a simple declaration defining one or multiple variables: ‘a,b,c real = 0’. @attribute hide is true iff. declaration is not traceable. @attribute function is true iff. declaration is an function. @attribute vars List with variables @attribute Datatype Obligatory data type, e.g. ‘real’ or ‘mV/s’ @attribute sizeParameter An optional array parameter. E.g. ‘tau_syn ms[n_receptors]’ @attribute expr An optional initial rhs, e.g. ‘a real = 10+10’ @attribute invariants List with optional invariants. Grammar:

declaration :

(‘recordable’)? (‘function’)? variable (‘,’ variable)* datatype (‘[’ sizeParameter=NAME ‘]’)? ( ‘=’ rhs)? (‘[[’ invariant=rhs ‘]]’)?;

is_recordable = False
is_inline_expression = False
variables = None
data_type = None
size_parameter = None
expression = None
invariant = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the data type. :return: a data type object. :rtype: ASTDataType


Returns the right-hand side rhs. :return: the right-hand side rhs. :rtype: ASTExpression


Returns the invariant. :return: the invariant :rtype: ASTExpression


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the size parameter. :return: the size parameter. :rtype: str


Returns the set of left-hand side variables. :return: a list of variables. :rtype: list(ASTVariables)


Returns whether the declaration has a right-hand side rhs or not. :return: True if right-hand side rhs declared, else False. :rtype: bool


Returns whether the declaration has a invariant or not. :return: True if has invariant, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns whether the declaration has a size parameter or not. :return: True if has size parameter, else False. :rtype: bool

set_expression(expr: ASTExpression) None

Updates the current size parameter to a new value. :param _parameter: the size parameter :type _parameter: str

pynestml.meta_model.ast_elif_clause module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_elif_clause.ASTElifClause(condition, block, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store elif-clauses. Grammar:

elifClause : ‘elif’ rhs BLOCK_OPEN block;


condition = None block = None


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the block of statements. :return: the block of statements. :rtype: ast_block


Returns the condition of the block. :return: the condition. :rtype: ast_expression


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_else_clause module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_else_clause.ASTElseClause(block, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single else-clause. Grammar:

elseClause : ‘else’ BLOCK_OPEN block;

block = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the block of statements. :return: the block of statements. :rtype: ast_block


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_equations_block module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_equations_block.ASTEquationsBlock(declarations, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store an equations block. ASTEquationsBlock a special function definition:


G = (e/tau_syn) * t * exp(-1/tau_syn*t) V’ = -1/Tau * V + 1/C_m * (convolve(G, spikes) + I_e + I_stim)

@attribute odeDeclaration Block with equations and differential equations. Grammar:


‘equations’ BLOCK_OPEN

(inlineExpression | odeEquation | kernel | NEWLINE)+


declarations = None

Deletes all declarations as stored in this block.


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:


equals(other: Any) bool

The equals method. :param other: a different object. :return: True if equal, otherwise False.


Returns the block of definitions. :return: the block :rtype: list(ASTInlineExpression|ASTOdeEquation|ASTKernel)

get_inline_expressions() Sequence[ASTInlineExpression]

Returns a list of all inline expressions in this block. :return: a list of all inline expressions.

get_kernels() Sequence[ASTKernel]

Returns a list of all kernels in this block. :return: a list of all kernels.

get_ode_equations() Sequence[ASTOdeEquation]

Returns a list of all ode equations in this block. :return: a list of all ode equations.


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_expression module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_expression.ASTExpression(is_encapsulated: bool = False, unary_operator: ASTUnaryOperator | None = None, is_logical_not: bool = False, expression: ASTExpression | None = None, lhs: ASTExpression | None = None, binary_operator: ASTLogicalOperator | ASTComparisonOperator | ASTBitOperator | ASTArithmeticOperator | None = None, rhs: ASTExpression | None = None, condition: ASTExpression | None = None, if_true: ASTExpression | None = None, if_not: ASTExpression | None = None, has_delay: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTExpressionNode

ASTExpr, i.e., several subexpressions combined by one or more operators, e.g., 10mV + V_m - (V_reset * 2)/ms …. or a simple rhs, e.g. 10mV. Grammar:

rhsleftParentheses=’(’ rhs rightParentheses=’)’
<assoc=right> base=rhs powOp=’**’ exponent=rhs
unaryOperator term=rhs
left=rhs (timesOp=’*’ | divOp=’/’ | moduloOp=’%’) right=rhs
left=rhs (plusOp=’+’ | minusOp=’-’) right=rhs
left=rhs bitOperator right=rhs
left=rhs comparisonOperator right=rhs
logicalNot=’not’ rhs
left=rhs logicalOperator right=rhs
condition=rhs ‘?’ ifTrue=rhs ‘:’ ifNot=rhs


# encapsulated or with unary operator or with a logical not or just a simple rhs.
is_encapsulated = False
is_logical_not = False
unary_operator = None
expression = None
# lhs and rhs combined by an operator
lhs = None
binary_operator = None
rhs = None
# ternary operator
condition = None
if_true = None
if_not = None
# simple rhs
simple_expression = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the binary operator. :return: the binary operator. :rtype: one of ASTLogicalOperator,ASTComparisonOperator,ASTBitOperator,ASTArithmeticOperator


Returns the condition rhs. :return: the condition rhs. :rtype: ASTExpression


Returns the rhs. :return: the rhs. :rtype: ASTExpression


Returns a list of all function calls as used in this rhs :return: a list of all function calls in this rhs. :rtype: list(ASTFunctionCall)


Returns the has_delay parameter :return:


Returns the rhs used in the case that the condition does not hold. :return: the if-not condition. :rtype: ASTExpression


Returns the rhs used in the case that the condition holds. :return: the if-true condition. :rtype: ASTExpression


Returns the left-hand side rhs. :return: the left-hand side rhs. :rtype: ASTExpression


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the right-hand side rhs. :return: the right-hand side rhs. :rtype: ASTExpression


Returns the unary operator. :return: the unary operator. :rtype: ASTUnaryOperator.


Returns a list of all units as use in this rhs. :return: a list of all used units. :rtype: list(ASTVariable)


Returns a list of all variables as used in this rhs. :return: a list of variables. :rtype: list(ASTVariable)


Returns whether it is a compound rhs, e.g., 10+10 :return: True if compound rhs, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

Return type:



Returns whether it is a ternary operator. :return: True if ternary operator, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns whether the rhs uses an unary operator. :return: True if unary operator, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

pynestml.meta_model.ast_expression_node module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_expression_node.ASTExpressionNode(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is not a part of the grammar but is used to store commonalities of expression-type nodes.

This class is abstract, thus no instances can be created.


The equals operation. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

property type

pynestml.meta_model.ast_external_variable module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_external_variable.ASTExternalVariable(name, altname=None, altscope=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTVariable

This class is used to store a single “external” variable: a variable the value of which is obtained during runtime from a neuron’s postsynaptic partner.


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


Returns the scope of this element. :return: a scope object. :rtype: Scope

set_alternate_name(alternate_name: str | None)

pynestml.meta_model.ast_for_stmt module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_for_stmt.ASTForStmt(variable, start_from, end_at, step, block, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a for-block. Grammar:

forStmt‘for’ var=NAME ‘in’ vrom=rhs

‘…’ to=rhs ‘step’ step=signedNumericLiteral BLOCK_OPEN block BLOCK_CLOSE;

variable = None
start_from = None
end_at = None
step = None
block = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the block of statements. :return: the block of statements. :rtype: ast_block


Returns the to-statement. :return: the rhs indicating the finish value. :rtype: ast_expression


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the from-statement. :return: the rhs indicating the start value. :rtype: ast_expression


Returns the length of a single step. :return: the length as a float. :rtype: float


Returns the name of the step variable. :return: the name of the step variable. :rtype: str

pynestml.meta_model.ast_function module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_function.ASTFunction(name: str, parameters: List[ASTParameter], return_type: ASTDataType | None, block: ASTBlock, type_symbol=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a user-defined function. ASTFunction a function definition:

function set_V_m(v mV):

y3 = v - E_L

@attribute name Functionname. @attribute parameter A single parameter. @attribute returnType Complex return type, e.g. String @attribute primitiveType Primitive return type, e.g. int @attribute block Implementation of the function. Grammar: function: ‘function’ NAME ‘(’ (parameter (‘,’ parameter)*)? ‘)’ (returnType=datatype)?




name = None
parameters = None
return_type = None
block = None
# the corresponding type symbol
type_symbol = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the block containing the definitions. :return: the block of the definitions. :rtype: ast_block


Returns the name of the function. :return: the name of the function. :rtype: str

get_parameters() List[ASTParameter]

Returns the list of parameters. :return: a parameters object containing the list.


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the return type of function. :return: the return type :rtype: ast_data_type


Returns the type symbol of this rhs. :return: a single type symbol. :rtype: type_symbol

has_parameters() bool

Returns whether parameters have been defined. :return: True if parameters defined, otherwise False.


Returns whether return a type has been defined. :return: True if return type defined, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Updates the current type symbol to the handed over one. :param type_symbol: a single type symbol object. :type type_symbol: type_symbol

pynestml.meta_model.ast_function_call module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_function_call.ASTFunctionCall(callee_name, function_call_args, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single function call. ASTFunctionCall Represents a function call, e.g. myFun(“a”, “b”). @attribute name The (qualified) name of the function @attribute args Comma separated list of expressions representing parameters. Grammar:

functionCall : calleeName=NAME ‘(’ (rhs (‘,’ rhs)*)? ‘)’;

callee_name = None
args = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the list of arguments. :return: the list of arguments. :rtype: list(ASTExpression)


Returns the name of the called function. :return: the name of the function. :rtype: str.


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns whether function call has arguments or not. :return: True if has arguments, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

pynestml.meta_model.ast_if_clause module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_if_clause.ASTIfClause(condition, block, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single if-clause. Grammar:

ifClause : ‘if’ expr BLOCK_OPEN block;

condition = None
block = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equals, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the block of statements. :return: the block of statements. :rtype: ASTBlock


Returns the condition of the block. :return: the condition. :rtype: ASTExpression


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: ASTNode :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: Optional[ASTNode]

pynestml.meta_model.ast_if_stmt module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_if_stmt.ASTIfStmt(if_clause, elif_clauses=None, else_clause=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single if block. Grammar:


elifClause* (elseClause)? BLOCK_CLOSE;

if_clause = None
elif_clauses = None
else_clause = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equals, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns a list of elif-clauses. :return: a list of elif-clauses. :rtype: List[ASTElifClause]


Returns the else-clause. :return: the else-clause. :rtype: ASTElseClause


Returns the if-clause. :return: the if clause :rtype: ASTfClause


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: ASTNode :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: Optional[ASTNode]


Returns whether object contains elif clauses. :return: True if at leas one elif clause, False else. :rtype: bool


Returns whether object contains elif clauses. :return: True if object contains an else-clause, False else. :rtype: bool

pynestml.meta_model.ast_inline_expression module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_inline_expression.ASTInlineExpression(is_recordable=False, variable_name=None, data_type=None, expression=None, decorators=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

Stores a single declaration of an inline expression, e.g.,

inline v_init mV = V_m - 50mV.


inline : (recordable=’recordable’)? INLINE_KEYWORD variableName=NAME datatype ‘=’ rhs;

is_recordable = False
variable_name = None
data_type = None
expression = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the data type as an object of ASTDatatype. :return: the type as an object of ASTDatatype. :rtype: ast_data_type


Returns the rhs as an object of ASTExpression. :return: the rhs as an object of ASTExpression. :rtype: ast_expression


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the variable name. :return: the name of the variable. :rtype: str

set_variable_name(variable_name: str)

Set the variable name. :param variable_name: the name of the variable.

pynestml.meta_model.ast_input_block module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_input_block.ASTInputBlock(input_definitions=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store blocks of input definitions. ASTInputBlock represents the input block, e.g.:

    spike_in pA <- excitatory spike
    current_in pA <- continuous

@attribute inputPort set of input ports. Grammar:

inputBlock: ‘input’

(inputPort | NEWLINE)*


input_definitions = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the list of input ports. :return: a list of input ports :rtype: list(ASTInputPort)


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_input_port module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_input_port.ASTInputPort(name: str, signal_type: PortSignalType, size_parameter: str | None = None, data_type: ASTDataType | None = None, input_qualifiers: List[ASTInputQualifier] | None = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a declaration of an input port. ASTInputPort represents a single input port, e.g.:

spike_in pA <- excitatory spike

@attribute name: The name of the input port. @attribute sizeParameter: Optional size parameter for multisynapse neuron. @attribute datatype: Optional data type of the port. @attribute inputQualifier: The qualifier keyword of the input port, to indicate e.g. inhibitory-only or excitatory-only spiking inputs on this port. @attribute isSpike: Indicates that this input port accepts spikes. @attribute isContinuous: Indicates that this input port accepts continuous time input.



clone() ASTInputPort

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

equals(other: Any) bool

The equals method. :param other: a different object. :return: True if equal,otherwise False.

get_datatype() ASTDataType

Returns the currently used data type of this port. :return: a single data type object.

get_input_qualifiers() List[ASTInputQualifier]

Returns the list of input qualifiers. :return: a list of input qualifiers.

get_name() str

Returns the name of the declared input port. :return: the name.

get_parent(ast: ASTNode) ASTNode | None

Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element.

get_size_parameter() str

Returns the size parameter. :return: the size parameter.


Returns whether this port has a defined data type or not. :return: True if it has a datatype, otherwise False.

has_input_qualifiers() bool

Returns whether input qualifiers have been defined. :return: True, if at least one input qualifier has been defined.

has_size_parameter() bool

Returns whether a size parameter has been defined. :return: True if size has been used, otherwise False.

is_continuous() bool

Returns whether this is a continous time port or not. :return: True if continuous time, False otherwise.

is_excitatory() bool

Returns whether this port is excitatory or not. For this, it has to be marked explicitly by the excitatory keyword or no keywords at all shall occur (implicitly all types). :return: True if excitatory, False otherwise.

is_inhibitory() bool

Returns whether this port is inhibitory or not. For this, it has to be marked explicitly by the inhibitory keyword or no keywords at all shall occur (implicitly all types). :return: True if inhibitory, False otherwise.

is_spike() bool

Returns whether this is a spiking input port or not. :return: True if spike input port, False otherwise.

pynestml.meta_model.ast_input_qualifier module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_input_qualifier.ASTInputQualifier(is_inhibitory=False, is_excitatory=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store the qualifier of a buffer. ASTInputQualifier represents the qualifier of the input port. Only valid for spiking inputs. @attribute inhibitory true Indicates that this spiking input port is inhibitory. @attribute excitatory true Indicates that this spiking input port is excitatory.


inputQualifier : (‘inhibitory’ | ‘excitatory’);

is_inhibitory = False
is_excitatory = False

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: ASTNode :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: Optional[ASTNode]

pynestml.meta_model.ast_kernel module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_kernel.ASTKernel(variables, expressions, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store kernels. Grammar:

kernel : KERNEL_KEYWORD variable EQUALS expression (COMMA variable EQUALS expression)* (SEMICOLON)?;


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the right-hand side rhs. :return: the rhs :rtype: ast_expression


Indicates whether this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: ASTNode :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: ASTNode or None


Returns the variable of the left-hand side. :return: the variable :rtype: ast_variable


Returns the variable of the left-hand side. :return: the variable :rtype: ast_variable

pynestml.meta_model.ast_logical_operator module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_logical_operator.ASTLogicalOperator(is_logical_and=False, is_logical_or=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single logical operator. Grammar:

logicalOperator : (logicalAnd=’and’ | logicalOr=’or’);

is_logical_and = False
is_logical_or = False

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_namespace_decorator module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_namespace_decorator.ASTNamespaceDecorator(namespace: str = '', name: str = '', *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

Namespace decorator, for example “@nest::delay”.


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

equals(other: ASTNode) bool

The equals operation. :param other: a different object. :return: True if equal, otherwise False.

get_name() str

Returns the right-hand side rhs. :return: rhs object.

get_namespace() str

Returns the left-hand side variable. :return: left-hand side variable object.

get_parent(ast: ASTNode) ASTNode | None

Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element.

pynestml.meta_model.ast_nestml_compilation_unit module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_nestml_compilation_unit.ASTNestMLCompilationUnit(neuron_list=None, synapse_list=None, artifact_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

The ASTNestMLCompilationUnit class as used to store a collection of processed ASTNeurons. Grammar:

nestMLCompilationUnit: (neuron | NEWLINE )* EOF;

neuron_list = None # a list of all processed neurons
artifact_name = None

Expects an instance of neuron element which is added to the collection. :param neuron: an instance of a neuron :type neuron: ASTNeuron


Expects an instance of synapse element which is added to the collection. :param synapse: an instance of a synapse :type synapse: ASTsynapse :return: no returned value :rtype: void


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



Expects an instance of neuron element which is deleted from the collection. :param neuron: an instance of a ASTNeuron :type neuron:ASTNeuron :return: True if element deleted from list, False else. :rtype: bool


Expects an instance of synapse element which is deleted from the collection. :param synapse: an instance of a ASTsynapse :type synapse:ASTsynapse :return: True if element deleted from list, False else. :rtype: bool


The equals method. :param other: a different object :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

get_neuron_by_name(name: str) ASTNeuron | None

a list of neuron elements as stored in the unit

Return type:



Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

get_synapse_by_name(name: str) ASTSynapse | None

a list of synapse elements as stored in the unit

Return type:


pynestml.meta_model.ast_neuron module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_neuron.ASTNeuron(name, body, artifact_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNeuronOrSynapse

This class is used to store instances of neurons. ASTNeuron represents neuron. @attribute Name The name of the neuron @attribute Body The body of the neuron, e.g. internal, state, parameter… Grammar:

neuron : ‘neuron’ NAME body;

name = None
body = None
artifact_name = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:


equals(other: ASTNode) bool

The equals method. :param other: a different object. :return: True if equal, otherwise False.

get_continuous_input_ports() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all continuous time input ports defined in the model.

get_input_ports() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all defined input ports. :return: a list of all input ports.


Returns a list of all invariants of all parameters. :return: a list of rhs representing invariants :rtype: list(ASTExpression)

get_parent(ast) ASTNode | None

Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element.

get_single_receptors() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of spike input ports that are defined as either excitatory or inhibitory. :return: a list of spike input port variable symbols

get_spike_input_ports() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all spike input ports defined in the model.

get_vector_state_symbols() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all state symbols that are vectors :return: a list of vector state symbols

get_vector_symbols() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all the vector variables declared in State, Parameters, and Internals block :return: a list of vector symbols

has_state_vectors() bool

This method indicates if the neuron has variables defined as vectors. :return: True if vectors are defined, false otherwise.

has_vector_port() bool

This method indicates whether this neuron contains input ports defined vector-wise. :return: True if vector ports defined, otherwise False.

pynestml.meta_model.ast_neuron_or_synapse module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_neuron_or_synapse.ASTNeuronOrSynapse(name, body, artifact_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to stuff common to neurons and synapses

add_to_internals_block(declaration: ASTDeclaration, index: int = -1) None

Adds the handed over declaration the internals block :param declaration: a single declaration

add_to_state_block(declaration: ASTDeclaration) None

Adds the handed over declaration to an arbitrary state block. A state block will be created if none exists. :param declaration: a single declaration.


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



Create an empty update block. Only makes sense if one does not already exist.

equals(other: ASTNode) bool

The equals method. :param other: a different object. :return: True if equal, otherwise False.

get_artifact_name() str

Returns the name of the artifact this neuron has been stored in. :return: the name of the file

get_body() ASTNeuronOrSynapseBody

Return the body of the neuron. :return: the body containing the definitions.


Returns a list of all current buffers defined in the model. :return: a list of all current input buffers. :rtype: list(VariableSymbol)

get_equations() List[ASTOdeEquation]

Returns all ode equations as defined in this neuron. :return list of ode-equations

get_equations_blocks() List[ASTEquationsBlock]

Returns a list of all equations blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of equations-blocks.

get_functions() List[ASTFunction]

Returns a list of all function block declarations in this body. :return: a list of function declarations.

get_initial_value(variable_name: str)
get_inline_expression_symbols() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all inline expression symbols defined in the model. :return: a list of symbols

get_input_blocks() List[ASTInputBlock]

Returns a list of all input-blocks defined. :return: a list of defined input-blocks.


Returns a list of all defined input buffers. :return: a list of all input buffers. :rtype: list(VariableSymbol)

get_internal_symbols() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all internals symbol defined in the model. :return: a list of internals symbols.

get_internals_blocks() List[ASTBlockWithVariables]

Returns a list of all internals blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of internals-blocks.

get_kernel_by_name(kernel_name: str) ASTKernel | None
get_multiple_receptors() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all spike input ports which are defined as both inhibitory and excitatory at the same time. :return: a list of spike input port variable symbols

get_name() str

Returns the name of the neuron. :return: the name of the neuron.

get_non_inline_state_symbols() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all state symbols as defined in the model which are not marked as inline expressions. :return: a list of symbols


Returns a list of all variable symbols which have been defined in th state blocks and are provided with an ode. :return: a list of state variables with odes :rtype: list(VariableSymbol)

get_output_blocks() List[ASTOutputBlock]

Returns a list of all output-blocks defined. :return: a list of defined output-blocks.


Returns a list of all invariants of all parameters. :return: a list of rhs representing invariants :rtype: list(ASTExpression)


Returns a list of all parameter symbol defined in the model. :return: a list of parameter symbols. :rtype: list(VariableSymbol)

get_parameter_variables() List[ASTVariable]

Returns a list of all parameters. :return:

get_parameters_blocks() List[ASTBlockWithVariables]

Returns a list of all parameter blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of parameters-blocks.


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns a list of all spike input buffers defined in the model. :return: a list of all spike input buffers. :rtype: list(VariableSymbol)

get_state_blocks() List[ASTBlockWithVariables]

Returns a list of all state blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of state-blocks.


Returns a list of initial values declarations made in this neuron. :return: a list of initial values declarations :rtype: list(ASTDeclaration)

get_state_symbols() List[VariableSymbol]

Returns a list of all state symbol defined in the model. :return: a list of state symbols.


Returns a list of all elements which have been defined in the state block. :return: a list of of state variable symbols. :rtype: list(VariableSymbol)

get_state_variables() List[ASTVariable]

Returns a list of all state variables. :return:

get_update_blocks() List[ASTUpdateBlock]

Returns a list of all update blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of update-block elements.

has_delay_variables() bool

This method indicates if the neuron has variables with a delay parameter. :return: True if variables with delay parameter exist, False otherwise.


This method indicates whether this neuron uses buffers defined vector-wise. :return: True if vector buffers defined, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

is_multisynapse_spikes() bool

Returns whether this neuron uses multi-synapse inputs. :return: True if multi-synaptic, otherwise False.

print_comment(prefix: str = '') str

Prints the header comment of this neuron. :param prefix: a prefix string :return: the comment.

remove_equations_block() None

Deletes all equations blocks. By construction as checked through cocos there is only one there.


Set the name of the node.

pynestml.meta_model.ast_neuron_or_synapse_body module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_neuron_or_synapse_body.ASTNeuronOrSynapseBody(body_elements, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store the body of a neuron or synapse, an object containing all the definitions. ASTNeuronOrSynapseBody The body of the neuron, e.g. internal, state, parameter… Grammar:


(NEWLINE | blockWithVariables | updateBlock | equationsBlock | inputBlock | outputBlock | function)* BLOCK_CLOSE;

body_elements = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the list of body elements. :return: a list of body elements. :rtype: list()

get_equations_blocks() List[ASTEquationsBlock]

Returns a list of all equations blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of equations-blocks.


Returns a list of all function block declarations in this body. :return: a list of function declarations. :rtype: list(ASTFunction)

get_input_blocks() List[ASTInputBlock]

Returns a list of all input-blocks defined. :return: a list of defined input-blocks.

get_internals_blocks() List[ASTBlockWithVariables]

Returns a list of all internals blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of internals-blocks. :rtype: list(ASTBlockWithVariables)

get_on_receive_block(port_name) ASTOnReceiveBlock | None
get_on_receive_blocks() List[ASTOnReceiveBlock]
get_output_blocks() List[ASTOutputBlock]

Returns a list of all output-blocks defined. :return: a list of defined output-blocks. :rtype: list(ASTOutputBlock)

get_parameters_blocks() List[ASTBlockWithVariables]

Returns a list of all parameter blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of parameters-blocks.


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

get_spike_input_ports() List[ASTInputPort]

Returns a list of all spike input ports defined in the model. :return: a list of all spike input ports

get_state_blocks() List[ASTBlockWithVariables]

Returns a list of all state blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of state-blocks.

get_update_blocks() List[ASTUpdateBlock]

Returns a list of all update blocks defined in this body. :return: a list of update-block elements.

pynestml.meta_model.ast_node module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_node.ASTNode(source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None, scope: Scope | None = None, comment: str | None = None, pre_comments: List[str] | None = None, in_comment: str | None = None, implicit_conversion_factor: float | None = None)

Bases: object

This class is not a part of the grammar but is used to store commonalities of all possible meta_model classes, e.g., the source position.

This class is abstract, thus no instances can be created.

source_position = None
scope = None
comment = None
pre_comments = list()
in_comment = None
implicit_conversion_factor = None

Double dispatch for visitor pattern. :param visitor: A visitor. :type visitor: Inherited from ASTVisitor.

abstract clone()

Return a deep copy of this node.

abstract equals(other)

The equals operation. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the comment of this element. :return: a comment. :rtype: str

get_implicit_conversion_factor() float | None

Returns the factor installed as implicitConversionFactor for this expression :return: the conversion factor, if present, or None

abstract get_parent(ast)

Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the scope of this element. :return: a scope object. :rtype: Scope


Returns the source position of the element. :return: a source position object. :rtype: ASTSourceLocation


Indicates whether this element stores a comment. :return: True if has comment, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

print_comment(prefix: str = '') str

Prints the comment of this meta_model element. :param prefix: a prefix string :return: a comment


Updates the comment of this element. :param comment: a comment :type comment: str

set_implicit_conversion_factor(implicit_factor: float | None) None

Sets a factor that, when applied to the (unit-typed) expression, converts it to the magnitude of the context where it is used. eg. Volt + milliVolt needs to either be 1000*Volt + milliVolt or Volt + 0.001 * milliVolt :param implicit_factor: the factor to be installed


Updates the source position of the element. :param new_position: a new source position :type new_position: ASTSourceLocation :return: a source position object. :rtype: ASTSourceLocation


Updates the scope of this element. :param _scope: a scope object. :type _scope: Scope

pynestml.meta_model.ast_node_factory module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_node_factory.ASTNodeFactory

Bases: object

An implementation of the factory pattern for an easier initialization of new AST nodes.

classmethod create_ast_arithmetic_operator(is_times_op: bool = False, is_div_op: bool = False, is_modulo_op: bool = False, is_plus_op: bool = False, is_minus_op: bool = False, is_pow_op: bool = False, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTArithmeticOperator
classmethod create_ast_assignment(lhs: ASTVariable = None, is_direct_assignment: bool = False, is_compound_sum: bool = False, is_compound_minus: bool = False, is_compound_product: bool = False, is_compound_quotient: bool = False, expression: Union(ASTSimpleExpression, ASTExpression) = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation = None) ASTAssignment
classmethod create_ast_bit_operator(is_bit_and: bool = False, is_bit_xor: bool = False, is_bit_or: bool = False, is_bit_shift_left: bool = False, is_bit_shift_right: bool = False, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTBitOperator
classmethod create_ast_block(stmts: list(ASTSmallStmt | ASTCompoundStmt), source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTBlock
classmethod create_ast_block_with_variables(is_state: bool = False, is_parameters: bool = False, is_internals: bool = False, declarations: bool = None, source_position: list(ASTDeclaration) = None) ASTBlockWithVariables
classmethod create_ast_comparison_operator(is_lt: bool = False, is_le: bool = False, is_eq: bool = False, is_ne: bool = False, is_ne2: bool = False, is_ge: bool = False, is_gt: bool = False, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTComparisonOperator
classmethod create_ast_compound_expression(lhs: Union(ASTExpression, ASTSimpleExpression), binary_operator: Union(ASTLogicalOperator, ASTBitOperator, ASTComparisonOperator, ASTArithmeticOperator), rhs: Union(ASTExpression, ASTSimpleExpression), source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTExpression

The factory method used to create compound expressions, e.g. 10mV + V_m.

classmethod create_ast_compound_stmt(if_stmt: ASTIfStmt, while_stmt: ASTWhileStmt, for_stmt: ASTForStmt, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTCompoundStmt
classmethod create_ast_data_type(is_integer: bool = False, is_real: bool = False, is_string: bool = False, is_boolean: bool = False, is_void: bool = False, is_unit_type: ASTUnitType | None = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTDataType
classmethod create_ast_declaration(is_recordable: bool = False, is_inline_expression: bool = False, variables=None, data_type=None, size_parameter=None, expression=None, invariant=None, source_position=None, decorators=None) ASTDeclaration
classmethod create_ast_elif_clause(condition: ASTExpression | ASTSimpleExpression, block: ASTBlock, source_position: ASTSourceLocation = None) ASTElifClause
classmethod create_ast_else_clause(block: ASTBlock, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTElseClause
classmethod create_ast_equations_block(declarations: list | None = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTEquationsBlock
classmethod create_ast_expression(is_encapsulated: bool = False, unary_operator: ASTUnaryOperator = None, is_logical_not: bool = False, expression: ASTExpression | ASTSimpleExpression = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation = None) ASTExpression

The factory method used to create rhs which are either encapsulated in parentheses (e.g., (10mV)) OR have a unary (e.g., ~bitVar), OR are negated (e.g., not logVar), or are simple rhs (e.g., 10mV).

classmethod create_ast_for_stmt(variable: str, start_from: Union(ASTSimpleExpression, ASTExpression), end_at: Union(ASTSimpleExpression, ASTExpression), step: float = 0, block: ASTBlock = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation = None) ASTForStmt
classmethod create_ast_function(name: str, parameters: None | list(ASTParameter), return_type: ASTDataType | None, block: ASTBlock, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTFunction
classmethod create_ast_function_call(callee_name: str, args: None | list(ASTExpression | ASTSimpleExpression), source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTFunctionCall
classmethod create_ast_if_clause(condition: ASTSimpleExpression | ASTExpression, block: ASTBlock, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTIfClause
classmethod create_ast_if_stmt(if_clause: ASTIfClause, elif_clauses: None | list(ASTElifClause), else_clause: None | ASTElseClause, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTIfStmt
classmethod create_ast_inline_expression(variable_name: str, data_type: ASTDataType, expression: ASTExpression | ASTSimpleExpression, source_position: ASTSourceLocation, is_recordable: bool = False, decorators: list | None = None) ASTInlineExpression
classmethod create_ast_input_block(input_definitions: list(ASTInputPort), source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTInputBlock
classmethod create_ast_input_port(name: str, size_parameter: str, data_type: None | ASTDataType, input_qualifiers: list(ASTInputQualifier), signal_type: PortSignalType, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTInputPort
classmethod create_ast_input_qualifier(is_inhibitory: bool = False, is_excitatory: bool = False, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTInputQualifier
classmethod create_ast_kernel(variables: ASTVariable = None, expressions: ASTSimpleExpression | ASTExpression = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation = None) ASTKernel
classmethod create_ast_logical_operator(is_logical_and: bool = False, is_logical_or: bool = False, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTLogicalOperator
classmethod create_ast_namespace_decorator(namespace=None, name=None, source_position=None)
classmethod create_ast_nestml_compilation_unit(list_of_neurons, list_of_synapses, source_position: ASTSourceLocation, artifact_name: str) ASTNestMLCompilationUnit
classmethod create_ast_neuron(name: str, body: ASTNeuronOrSynapseBody, source_position: ASTSourceLocation, artifact_name: str) ASTNeuron
classmethod create_ast_neuron_or_synapse_body(body_elements: list, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTNeuronOrSynapseBody
classmethod create_ast_ode_equation(lhs: ASTVariable, rhs: ASTSimpleExpression | ASTExpression, source_position: ASTSourceLocation, decorators: List | None = None) ASTOdeEquation
classmethod create_ast_on_receive_block(block=None, port_name=None, const_parameters=None, source_position=None)
classmethod create_ast_output_block(s_type: PortSignalType, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTOutputBlock
classmethod create_ast_parameter(name: str, data_type: ASTDataType, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTParameter
classmethod create_ast_return_stmt(expression: ASTSimpleExpression | ASTExpression = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation = None) ASTReturnStmt
classmethod create_ast_simple_expression(function_call: Union(ASTFunctionCall, None) = None, boolean_literal: Union(bool, None) = None, numeric_literal: Union(float, int) = None, is_inf: bool = False, variable: ASTVariable = None, string: Union(str, None) = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation = None) ASTSimpleExpression
classmethod create_ast_small_stmt(assignment: ASTAssignment | None = None, function_call: ASTFunctionCall | None = None, declaration: ASTDeclaration | None = None, return_stmt: ASTReturnStmt | None = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTSmallStmt
classmethod create_ast_stmt(small_stmt: ASTSmallStmt | None = None, compound_stmt: ASTCompoundStmt | None = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTStmt
classmethod create_ast_synapse(name: str, body: ASTNeuronOrSynapseBody, source_position: ASTSourceLocation, artifact_name: str) ASTSynapse
classmethod create_ast_ternary_expression(condition: Union(ASTSimpleExpression, ASTExpression), if_true: Union(ASTSimpleExpression, ASTExpression), if_not: Union(ASTSimpleExpression, ASTExpression), source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTExpression

The factory method used to create a ternary operator rhs, e.g., 10mV<V_m?10mV:V_m

classmethod create_ast_unary_operator(is_unary_plus: bool = False, is_unary_minus: bool = False, is_unary_tilde: bool = False, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None) ASTUnaryOperator
classmethod create_ast_unit_type(is_encapsulated: bool = False, compound_unit: ASTUnitType = None, base: ASTUnitType = None, is_pow: bool = False, exponent: int = None, lhs: Union(ASTUnitType, int) = None, rhs: ASTUnitType = None, is_div: bool = False, is_times: bool = False, unit: str = None, source_position: ASTSourceLocation = None) ASTUnitType
classmethod create_ast_update_block(block: ASTBlock, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTUpdateBlock
classmethod create_ast_variable(name: str, differential_order: int = 0, vector_parameter=None, is_homogeneous=False, source_position: ASTSourceLocation | None = None, scope: Scope | None = None) ASTVariable
classmethod create_ast_while_stmt(condition: Union(ASTSimpleExpression, ASTExpression), block: ASTBlock, source_position: ASTSourceLocation) ASTWhileStmt

pynestml.meta_model.ast_ode_equation module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_ode_equation.ASTOdeEquation(lhs, rhs, decorators=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store meta_model equations, e.g., V_m’ = 10mV + V_m. ASTOdeEquation Represents an equation, e.g. “I = exp(t)” or represents an differential equations,

e.g. “V_m’ = V_m+1”.

@attribute lhs Left hand side, e.g. a Variable. @attribute rhs Expression defining the right hand side. Grammar:

odeEquation : lhs=variable ‘=’ rhs=rhs;

lhs = None
rhs = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the left-hand side of the equation. :return: an object of the meta_model-variable class. :rtype: ASTVariable


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the left-hand side of the equation. :return: an object of the meta_model-expr class. :rtype: Union[ASTExpression, ASTSimpleExpression]

pynestml.meta_model.ast_on_receive_block module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_on_receive_block.ASTOnReceiveBlock(block: ASTBlock, port_name: str, const_parameters: Mapping | None = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a declaration of an onReceive block, for example:

    pre_tr += 1
clone() ASTOnReceiveBlock

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

equals(other: Any) bool

The equals method. :param other: a different object. :return: True if equal, otherwise False.

get_block() ASTBlock

Returns the block of definitions. :return: the block

get_parent(ast: ASTNode) ASTNode | None

Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element.

get_port_name() str

Returns the port name. :return: the port name

pynestml.meta_model.ast_output_block module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_output_block.ASTOutputBlock(o_type, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store output port declarations. ASTOutput represents the output block of the neuron:



@attribute spike true if and only if the neuron has a spike output. @attribute continuous true if and only if the neuron has a continuous time output.


outputBlock: ‘output’ BLOCK_OPEN (‘spike’ | ‘continuous’) ;

type = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:


equals(other) bool

The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equals, otherwise False.


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

is_continuous() bool

Returns whether it is a continuous time type or not. :return: True if continuous time, otherwise False.

is_spike() bool

Returns whether it is a spike type port or not. :return: True if spike, otherwise False.

pynestml.meta_model.ast_parameter module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_parameter.ASTParameter(name: str, data_type: ASTDataType, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single function parameter definition.


parameter : NAME datatype;


The name of the parameter.




The data type of the parameter.




Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the data type of the parameter. :return: the data type of the parameter. :rtype: ASTDataType


Returns the name of the parameter. :return: the name of the parameter. :rtype: str


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_return_stmt module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_return_stmt.ASTReturnStmt(expression=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a return statement.

A ReturnStmt Models the return statement in a function. @attribute minus An optional sing @attribute definingVariable Name of the variable Grammar:

returnStmt : ‘return’ expr?;


An rhs representing the returned value.


ASTSimpleExpression or ASTExpression


Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the rhs. :return: an rhs. :rtype: ASTExpression


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns whether the return statement has an rhs or not. :return: True if has rhs, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

pynestml.meta_model.ast_simple_expression module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_simple_expression.ASTSimpleExpression(function_call: ASTFunctionCall | None = None, boolean_literal: bool | None = None, numeric_literal: int | float | None = None, is_inf: bool = False, variable: ASTVariable | None = None, string: str | None = None, has_delay: bool = False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTExpressionNode

This class is used to store a simple rhs, e.g. +42mV. ASTSimpleExpression, consisting of a single element without combining operator, e.g.,10mV, inf, V_m. Grammar: simpleExpression : functionCall

BOOLEAN_LITERAL // true & false ;

A function call reference.


A numeric literal.


A variable reference.


True if this is a boolean true literal.




True if this is a boolean false literal.




True if this is a infinity literal.




A string literal.




Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return:True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

get_boolean_literal() bool | None

Returns boolean literal if available, otherwise None. :return: boolean literal if ASTSimpleExpression is boolean literal, otherwise None


Returns the function call object. :return: the function call object. :rtype: ASTFunctionCall


This function is used for better interactions with the general rhs meta_model class. :return: returns a single list with this function call if such an exists, otherwise an empty list :rtype: list(ASTFunctionCall)


Returns the has_delay parameter :return: returns the value of has_delay parameter


Returns the value of the numeric literal. :return: the value of the numeric literal. :rtype: int/float


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the string as stored in this simple rhs. :return: a string as stored in this rhs. :rtype: str


This function is used for better interactions with the general rhs meta_model class. :return: returns a single list with unit if such an exists, otherwise an empty list :rtype: list(ASTVariable)


Returns the variable. :return: the variable object. :rtype: ASTVariable


This function is used for better interactions with the general rhs meta_model class. :return: returns a single list with this variable if such an exists, otherwise an empty list :rtype: list(ASTVariable)


Returns whether this is a numeric literal with a defined unit. :return: True if numeric literal with unit, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns whether it is a delay variable or not :return: True if the variable has a delay parameter, False otherwise


Returns whether it is a function call or not. :return: True if function call, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns whether it is a numeric literal or not. :return: True if numeric literal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns whether this simple rhs is a string. :return: True if string, False otherwise. :rtype: bool


Returns whether it is a variable or not. :return: True if has a variable, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Updates the function call of this node. :param function_call: a single function call :type function_call: Union(ASTFunctionCall,None)


Updates the numeric literal attribute of this node. :param numeric_literal: a single numeric literal :type numeric_literal: int or float


Updates the variable of this node. :param variable: a single variable :type variable: ASTVariable

pynestml.meta_model.ast_small_stmt module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_small_stmt.ASTSmallStmt(assignment=None, function_call=None, declaration=None, return_stmt=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store small statements, e.g., a declaration. Grammar:


A assignment reference.




A function call reference.




A declaration reference.




A reference to the returns statement.




Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object :type other: object :return: True if equals, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the assignment. :return: the assignment statement. :rtype: ast_assignment


Returns the assignment. :return: the declaration statement. :rtype: ast_declaration


Returns the function call. :return: the function call statement. :rtype: ast_function_call


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the return statement. :return: the return statement. :rtype: ast_return_stmt


Returns whether it is an assignment statement or not. :return: True if assignment, False else. :rtype: bool


Returns whether it is a declaration statement or not. :return: True if declaration, False else. :rtype: bool


Returns whether it is an function call or not. :return: True if function call, False else. :rtype: bool


Returns whether it is a return statement or not. :return: True if return stmt, False else. :rtype: bool

pynestml.meta_model.ast_stmt module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_stmt.ASTStmt(small_stmt, compound_stmt, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

Stores a reference to either small or compound statement. Grammar:

stmt : smallStmt | compoundStmt;

small_stmt = None
compound_stmt = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals operation. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool

get_parent(ast: ASTNode | None = None) ASTNode | None

Returns the parent node of a handed over AST object.


pynestml.meta_model.ast_synapse module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_synapse.ASTSynapse(name, body, default_weight=None, artifact_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNeuronOrSynapse

This class is used to store instances of synapses. ASTSynapse represents synapse. @attribute Name The name of the synapse @attribute Body The body of the synapse, e.g. internal, state, parameter… Grammar:

synapse : ‘synapse’ NAME body;

name = None
body = None
artifact_name = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



Returns a list of all defined input buffers. :return: a list of all input buffers. :rtype: list(VariableSymbol)

get_on_receive_block(port_name: str) ASTOnReceiveBlock | None
get_on_receive_blocks() List[ASTOnReceiveBlock]

Returns a list of all spike input buffers defined in the model. :return: a list of all spike input buffers. :rtype: list(VariableSymbol)

set_default_delay(var, expr, dtype)

pynestml.meta_model.ast_unary_operator module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_unary_operator.ASTUnaryOperator(is_unary_plus=False, is_unary_minus=False, is_unary_tilde=False, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single unary operator, e.g., ~. Grammar:

unaryOperator : (unaryPlus=’+’ | unaryMinus=’-’ | unaryTilde=’~’);

is_unary_plus = False
is_unary_minus = False
is_unary_tilde = False

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Indicates whether this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_unit_type module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_unit_type.ASTUnitType(is_encapsulated=False, compound_unit=None, base=None, is_pow=False, exponent=None, lhs=None, rhs=None, is_div=False, is_times=False, _unit=None, type_symbol=None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class stores information regarding unit types and their properties. ASTUnitType. Represents an unit datatype. It can be a plain datatype as ‘mV’ or a complex data type as ‘mV/s’

unitTypeleftParentheses=’(’ unitType rightParentheses=’)’
base=unitType powOp=’**’ exponent=UNSIGNED_INTEGER
left=unitType (timesOp=’*’ | divOp=’/’) right=unitType
unitlessLiteral=UNSIGNED_INTEGER divOp=’/’ right=unitType
# encapsulated or not
is_encapsulated = False
compound_unit = None
# pow rhs
base = None
is_pow = False
exponent = None
# arithmetic combination case
lhs = None
is_times = False
is_div = False
rhs = None
# simple case, just a name
unit = None
# the corresponding symbol
type_symbol = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the left-hand side rhs if present. :return: ASTUnitType instance if present, otherwise None. :rtype: ASTUnitType


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None


Returns the right-hand side rhs if present. :return: ASTUnitType instance if present, otherwise None. :rtype: ASTUnitType


Returns whether the rhs is a arithmetic combination, e.g, mV/mS. :return: True if arithmetic rhs, otherwise false. :rtype: bool


Returns whether the rhs is a simple unit, e.g., mV. :return: True if simple unit, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


pynestml.meta_model.ast_update_block module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_update_block.ASTUpdateBlock(block, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store dynamic blocks. ASTUpdateBlock is a special function definition:

if r == 0: # not refractory


@attribute block Implementation of the dynamics.


‘update’ BLOCK_OPEN



block = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equal, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the block of definitions. :return: the block :rtype: ASTBlock


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None

pynestml.meta_model.ast_variable module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_variable.ASTVariable(name, differential_order=0, type_symbol: str | None = None, vector_parameter: str | None = None, is_homogeneous: bool = False, delay_parameter: str | None = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a single variable.

ASTVariable Provides a ‘marker’ AST node to identify variables used in expressions. Grammar:

variable : NAME (differentialOrder=’'’)*;

name = None
differential_order = None
# the corresponding type symbol
type_symbol = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.

equals(other: Any) bool

The equals method. :param other: a different object. :return: True if equals, otherwise False.

get_complete_name() str

Returns the complete name, consisting of the name and the differential order. :return: the complete name.


Returns the delay parameter :return: delay parameter

get_differential_order() int

Returns the differential order of the variable. :return: the differential order.

get_is_homogeneous() bool
get_name() str

Returns the name of the variable. :return: the name of the variable.

get_name_of_lhs() str

Returns the complete name but with differential order reduced by one. :return: the name.

get_parent(ast: ASTNode) ASTNode | None

Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element.

get_type_symbol() TypeSymbol

Returns the type symbol of this rhs. :return: a single type symbol.

get_vector_parameter() str

Returns the vector parameter of the variable :return: the vector parameter

has_vector_parameter() bool

Returns the vector parameter of the variable :return: the vector parameter

is_delay_variable() bool

Returns whether it is a delay variable or not :return: True if the variable has a delay parameter, False otherwise

is_unit_variable() bool

Provided on-the-fly information whether this variable represents a unit-variable, e.g., nS. Caution: It assumes that the symbol table has already been constructed. :return: True if unit-variable, otherwise False.

set_delay_parameter(delay: str)

Updates the current delay parameter to the handed over value :param delay: delay parameter

set_differential_order(differential_order: int) None

Returns the differential order of the variable.

set_name(name: str) None

Sets the name of the variable. :name: the name to set.

set_type_symbol(type_symbol: TypeSymbol)

Updates the current type symbol to the handed over one. :param type_symbol: a single type symbol object.


Updates the vector parameter of the variable

pynestml.meta_model.ast_while_stmt module

class pynestml.meta_model.ast_while_stmt.ASTWhileStmt(condition: ASTExpression, block: ASTBlock, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: ASTNode

This class is used to store a new while-block. Grammar:

whileStmt : ‘while’ expr BLOCK_OPEN block BLOCK_CLOSE;

condition = None
block = None

Return a clone (“deep copy”) of this node.


new AST node instance

Return type:



The equals method. :param other: a different object. :type other: object :return: True if equals, otherwise False. :rtype: bool


Returns the block of statements. :return: the block of statements. :rtype: ASTBlock


Returns the condition of the block. :return: the condition. :rtype: ASTExpression


Indicates whether a this node contains the handed over node. :param ast: an arbitrary meta_model node. :type ast: AST_ :return: AST if this or one of the child nodes contains the handed over element. :rtype: AST_ or None